Ok so I finally started my own gig and I am going into business with a complete stranger.
Yes, it's frigging scary! But I am proud of myself being able to reject a hefty salary offer in exchange for being a partner. A this point in life, I need some ownership of something. I need the blames and the glories the whole nine yard.
So that felt good. I DON'T really have to start a gig with someone. However, having some rich guy back you certainly makes it so much more real! I still couldn't figure out if my partner is an angel Investor, a business incubator, a business owner, or a hybrid of all? By the way, I just googled the shit out of these terms, what do I know. I am a designer.
I contemplated a lot whether this is the right move, and kept going back to my gut feeling. But my gut is telling me yes and my ego is telling me no. My ego tells me that I need to be completely in charge. My gut is saying there is no better opportunity to kick start this dream of mine. Friends advised I should negotiate what's right for me. But what IS right for me when I am stepping into the unknowns of running a business? Up to this point, it feels like I was just riding along.
I have a pretty clear picture how I'd like to do things if I am to go on my own. But with a majority partner, especially one who is willing to fork out 7-figures to back the business, I do have to consult him on every decisions. Partnering with a powerful person/group scares the shit out of me. At the same time, I am also excited because I feel like I can do so much more.
In the end I need to look at where do I want to be. Not just what I think is ideal, or just a dream. I want to do cool shit, I want to be somewhat famous, and I don't mind making some decent living along the way. Can I get there with a partner? I think so! Can I get there by myself? I think so too! Paul Arden says "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be". I am already pretty darn good, so I really need to think of where I want to go.
I can't really picture myself handling a really large scale business. It's almost too corporate that it goes against my picture of of having an intimate boutique studio, working with a group of passionate people. At least that's what in my head.
The good thing is, now that I AM a partner. I CAN influence changes.
Is THIS the feeling of being an Entrepreneur? You are so scared, and so excited at the same time?