Somethings that take years to learn, but not too late to realize:
Forget. Life is too short to hold grudges. Erase those who do you wrong. In fact, be indifferent to them. Like strangers.
Appreciate. Be grateful to all who matters to you in your life. Family and friends. Those who you let into your most inner wall. Treasure them.
Obsess. Pick a thing or two that makes your eyes sparkles every time they come up. Go nuts on them, don't even hide it.
Focus. LASER-focus on the thing you really want, just that one thing. Don’t get distracted. No more wishy-washy and excuses, COMMIT. Don't just be good. Rock the world.
Accept. Everything IS your fault. If you touch it, even a little, it's yours. Stand up, own up, correct, learn and move on.
Involve. Call dibs on everything. I mean everything.
Evolve. Share all you know, teach others, pay forward. When you have no more edge over others, then there is room for new ones.
Slow Down. Even if it is just 5 minutes, to appreciate the little things in life.
Speed Up. When it's time to RUN. Show the world how determined and how capable you are.
Work out. Be good to yourself, and get in shape. You need the energy to do all of the above.