Lately i have been bitching a lot (insert crying baby pic here) about work and sacrifices and how everyone does not recognize the hardship i have been enduring to keep the studio afloat.
So on my way to Dubai over a 16 hour flight, I watched this movie called "Intern" featuring Robert DeNiro and Anne Hathaway. In the movie, Anne Hathaway being a hands-on successful startup company owner, is being asked by her VC to hire a CEO to help her workload so she has more time to focus on business development and bring in more revenue. Essentially, they don't want her to be so hands-on with the team that she lose sight of company operation. Now hiring a CEO in someway means she'll have a "boss" because essentially she now have to report to this person.
At the end of the movie, she went with her guts to continue the way she started and not having a CEO. The moral of the story and how it was inspiring was what DeNiro told her that "At the end of the day, nobody cares as much as you do, no matter how good they are, and how much they want to help."
That brings me back to my first sentence about bitching. I should really stop bitching about not getting help and having to do everything. The reason that I stick my hand in everything, beside being particularly anal, is probably because I am the only one who cares the most about where this firm is going. I can't expect everyone to care as much as I do because they are, at the end, doing a job and getting a salary. It's not their company, not their legacy, not their risk or rewards.
In the movie, Anne is not an easy boss to deal with but she is always the last one to leave the office, and her staff can see that. In a way, I do the same thing, and burning the last oil, lacking sleep, re-doing work etc etc. I also have to remember not to show stress or frustration in front of staff.
Today, when I walk through the job site, looking at progress, and listening to everyone how they are going to love this place, everything make sense now and I am no longer bitchy about doing it all. In fact, that affirms that I SHOULD DO IT ALL, because I can and I will. I rock and I will show everyone how it's done.
I'm having a time of my life, are you kidding? I am designing world class restaurants in Dubai where the rich and famous are going to be!! What!!