So, you want to start your own thing. That's pretty bad ass mate. But that also means you are jobless, income-less, and at times, aimless. The freelance lifestyle is super hip but that's not what you want to be. There is massive difference between a freelancer than a company of one.
Things in flux are definitely not the best feeling for anyone. The loss of control, and the lack of routine drive people nuts. Humans naturally like instructions. Most of us needs a routine from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, to the way you turn off your lights before you got bed.
It's been almost a month and half since I left the firm. The hard feelings of separation still haunts me in random moments when you least expected. Friends worried I am going through mild depression. (Me? Pffff.. I am the most optimistic person in the world!) The good news is, over time, the unease is replaced by the excitement of starting something new, something truly me.
The most difficult thing to re-start on your own is staying disciplined. A typical 12 hour work-day suddenly becomes a 12 hour "what-the-hell-do-I-do-now" day, and that already excludes sleeping-in until 10am.
Some of you like myself is a "To-Do" list person. We get a mild rush seeing a checked box. Job done! It gives us a sense of accomplishment, be it as little as "make a coffee". Checked. So to keep myself occupied, I came up with a system that list only 5 things to check off every day. I called it my "Fido" list (i.e. FIve to DO, get it?) I always love the number "5", and 5 things to do is pretty realistic and attainable. Later I found out it's not so easy anymore when one of them is "exercising", and that task remained 90% un-checked at all time. :(
Anyhow, my Fido list is different every day, and it will be the first thing I write down the moment I wake up. Be it as "write a proposal" or "Clean Dishes" or "Call mom", these are all legitimate tasks. It doesn't matter how big or small they are. The goal is to feel good about accomplishing every day, and prevent myself from mowing around wasting life away.
I also realize in order to embrace entrepreneurship, it is crucial to have enough energy to sustain overtime and high-stress environment, more often solo. So I decided to include "work out" as a fixed item on my Fido list every day. I NEED (well, I don't, but) a rock hard beach body and a shit load of energy for my new gig. Kidding aside, you seriously need to be at the top shape of your life to run this marathon.
For the longest time in a while, I feel alive. I feel extremely nervous, but I feel pretty darn good.
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."